From the beginning of The Story, we see the roots of selfishness and greed in the DNA of humanity. It's obvious that the sin nature has been passed from Adam and Eve to their children. All it took was one generation. That was fast!
When we think of Adam and Eve's children our first recollection is how Cain killed his brother Abel. We think of this because it is the most grievous sin. But that's not where Cain's trouble began. It began in verse 3, when Cain brought "some" of the fruits of the soil as an offering to God. Translation: Cain brought God his left overs. He tipped his hand and revealed his selfish, greedy heart.
Compare Cain's offering to Abel's. Compare the attitude of heart. God looks at the heart right? We're told that Abel brought God "fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock." Fat! First-born! Abel brought God his best! His fat! His first! Translation: God I trust you with everything I have. So, here's my best. I am content to live on the rest. Abel's heart is revealed. It's a heart of generosity.
Right from the start we see the importance of giving God our first, our "fat," our best. We are taught the important lessons of generosity and greed. God favors a generous heart. But selfishness and greed begets violence toward our fellow human beings.
Cain's punishment is worse than Abel's death. He is banished in shame and alienated from the presence of God. There is no worse punishment.
Are you giving God your left-overs? Are you greedy for your money and your stuff? What violence is brewing in your heart?
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